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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
School spirit.
 I go to a pretty huge university. We've got thousands of students roaming the campus at any given time. On my walk from the top floor of one building to the far wing of another between my JRN and MAT class, I get to join the crush of the student body as we jostle through the halls this way and that. Yay.
When so many people congregate in small spaces, certain trends start to appear that might otherwise go unnoticed. Caps, for example. I can't tell you how many NBA and MLB hats I see. Yankees, sadly, seem to rule the baseball genre. What I don't really understand is the proliferation of other university's logo caps. For example, I don't got to UT, but I saw about a zillion Longhorns in the halls today. Notre Dame, too, is a big one with their little shamrock thingy.
How many of my own university's logos did I see grace the caps of the multitude today? Zero. None. Nada. I wonder if there's a UT student walking around his campus wearing a cap with our mascot on it?
posted by hilary at 7:58 PM |

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WOO HOO! GO UT! I do have to admit that I wore a UT shirt once to school last year! However, I've bought many school shirts and have since worn them many times! So I think it's all good! GO UT! HOOK 'EM HORNS! Can't tell I'm a fan, eh?! HA HA! My myspace page doesn't give that away either!! HA HA!
oh shirts are a different story. i see my school name and logo all over shirts around campus. no one seems to be buying caps though.
i had a feeling you'd comment on this one, hilary. ;)
WOOOO!!! Hook'em Horns! ;) Glad to see a fellow fan!!
Well, I have to comment on the last question of your blog. I'll have to say I'd bet UT students don't wear other college logos. But that's just my guess. Maybe I'll go to Austin and wander around and check it out someday.