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Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Psycho bitch.
So I was walking down the sidewalk and saw, walking towards me, this absolutely beautiful woman. One could not help but allow one's eyes to linger just a moment longer than normal to take her in. In that moment of lingering, however, I read her t-shirt: Psycho Bitch.
It's nice when people label themselves so that others can make snap judgements. Saves time, I think.
posted by hilary at 9:42 AM |

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Yeah it is pretty helpful. Telling someone's personality just from looking at them is pretty hard. Of course it seems to be "trendy" to label yourself for some people too, I don't get it.
Of course I tend to be jaded about women that look that good.
That was really nice of her to go ahead and just label herself for you...she might be a psycho bitch, but at least she's helpful. LOL I'm not big on those type of shirts, either...just don't get the appeal, I guess.
I've got one that says "Official Heart Throb." Just in case anyone was wondering who the real deal is.
I need a whole collection of T-shirts:
"Under renovation, pardon the mess."
"Warning: extremely smart may step on your toes."
"In love and totally happy."
"This adorable chid's grandmother."
"Warning: extremely smart may step on your toes."
I bet this one would sell well!
*snickers* That's good. I don't understand those shirts at all...at least it wasn't one of them that says "Slut" or something, those get me everytime, too.
And, Tedd...you're a US Marine Officer! You are an "official heart throb" hehe...
I know this is way after this post, but I thought of this post when I saw this particular t-shirt.
A young man was wearing it. It said, "I LIE TO GIRLS."
I looked at my mom and I said, "I wonder if he is wondering how come he never has any girlfriends." Anyway, I thought about this post and had to post it!!
OMG. I saw Psycho Bitch at the Mobil the other day.
I thought immediately of you...
Where'd you go?
We miss you so.
:) Hope you can post again soon.
Everyone needs a (honest) labeling system like that, the world would be a much calmer place.
Damn, I think it should be mandatory for all you ladies to wear t-shirts that give us men the heads-up.
Isn't that the truth!!
How is your summer going??? School starts next week!!