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Wednesday, November 09, 2005
I'm by no means a luddite, but my ability to listen to music anytime anywhere is definitely lacking. For example, my car (a 1999 4Runner) sports a tape deck and a radio. It's not a bad sound system, but it is most definitely CD-less. At home, if I were so inclined to listen to a CD, I have one option: my computer. So in order to listen to music on a CD, I need to be sitting at my desk or have the volume turned up so that the music drifts through the house. Same goes for MP3's, although I do have the ability to borrow a friend's MP3 player, which then allows me an average of 10 songs at my disposal - as long as I don't mind the earbuds. So, again, CDs are computer-only, and the car is tape-only. AND... I have no actual way to record a CD onto a cassette tape.
Help me.
posted by hilary at 10:18 AM |

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I sure was glad to get a CD player in the new truck. Now I listen to more music than Chad does...lol Before the truck, Chad listened to more music than me. Go figure...lol
Well, now I've got some options for your Christmas present..
You can get a little adapter that has a tape connected to a wire which plugs into your headphone jack, so as to play an mp3 player or portable cd player through a tape deck. Like this one.
Additionaly, you should buy an iPod. Because they're sweet. Or, learn to whistle really well.
iPods. Give in Hilary, they are the way forward. I have a 30gb and I can pretty much play it wherever I am, mind you if you hate earbuds then you might have problems. But, if you get the iTrip thing then you can play it in anyone's car, as everyone has radio.
I for one cannot live without my 'pod